
Trans - Female to Male 22 years old

ElijahJones808's journal

Hi Hi.. I'm Eli and im a little, I'm 19 but have the mentality of a depressed 10 year old. I'm looking for a mommy that will love me and respect me and be there with for me throughout the days even when they are at work (little text and checkup will do perfect) It's been hard for me to search my new mommy/daddy because I'm special needs and can't really function like other people do. 

Extra: I want my future mommy to be caring, sweet, kind to everyone around them, understanding, patient, strick with rules and punishments, who keeps track of me throughout the day and who doesn't care about my baby talk or that I'm not very sexual.

If your reading this future mommy, I hope you can be a real mommy that I always hear about in the stories.


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